JurassiPet JurassiTears - Opens & Cleans Reptile Eyes 100 mL


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-  Opens and cleans inflamed reptile eyes

-  Advanced formula of conditioners and emollients

-  Supports animal eye health through Vitamin A supplementation

Reptile eyes can often become inflamed or closed due to irritants and infections.  JurassiTears™ is an advanced formula of conditioners and emollients that gently clean and help open inflamed reptile eyes.  It also aids and supports animal eye health and overall health through vitamin A supplementation. JurassiTears™ dispenses easily, and remains in place after application.

Active Ingredients: Cyanocobalamin, Vitamin A Palmitate



To clean reptile eyes, apply one drop per eye daily for one week. If no improvement is seen after a week, consult a veterinarian.

Use weekly for any reptile to maintain clean eyes. Vitamin A supplementation is important for reptile eye health.


JurassiTears BFA Item #
100 mL (3.4 oz) JU08346


8346 Jurassi Tears