Focus on Frogs: Everything You Need to Know About Caring for Pet Amphibians

You may have to kiss a few frogs to find your prince, but one look at these cute, tiny amphibians will capture your heart! Frogs are a unique exotic pet that are sure to entertain their owners. If you're considering adding one of these little guys or gals to your household, take a look at everything you need to know about caring for pet frogs.

Making Friends with Your New Frog

Okay, so we don't actually recommend smooching your new pal. Frogs are highly sensitive animals that do not enjoy frequent handling. Not only is there a risk of transmitting salmonella to humans, but the bacteria and germs on our hands can be hazardous to a frog's delicate skin. It's best to limit handling to minimize stress as well as the potential spread of disease. For some species, wearing gloves or wetting your hands prior to handling can reduce the risk of turning your frog prince into a damsel in distress.

Frogs can also live anywhere between 4 to 15 years depending on the species. This can be a long commitment, but don't let that dissuade you. These cartoonish little guys are a great starter pet for children and older reptile and amphibian enthusiasts. They're generally low maintenance compared to snakes and iguanas, less smelly than a hamster, and are tons of fun to watch hop, crawl, and chirp. The best pet frogs for beginners include African Dwarf Frogs, Oriental Fire Bellied Toads, and White's Tree Frogs.

Diet and Housing

Diet varies greatly based on species and can range from simple pellets to a mixed blend of bugs and fortified amphibian dry food. Larger species of frogs do best with a range of options that mimic their natural diet. This may include crickets, silk worms, and dubia roaches for extra protein alongside high quality pellets. Vitamin powdered is often sprinkled on top to ensure their nutritional needs are fully met (and add a little relish to their cricket dinner).

A frog's enclosure, light requirements, and ideal temperature range is, again, dependent on species. Be sure to research specific habitat requirements prior to purchasing your new friend. Aquariums and reptile enclosures work best, often supplemented with a heat lamp and humidifier. 

Common Illness in Pet Frogs

Frogs are relatively hardy animals when it comes to sickness. Maintaining an appropriate water or cage temperature, light quality, humidity level, and diet are the best ways to ensure your frog stays healthy and hoppy. The most common cause of illness is bacteria due to a dirty cage. A daily and weekly cleaning routine is essential when it comes to owning reptiles and amphibians. If you notice signs of illness such as discoloration, lack of appetite, and lethargy, a trip to your friendly, neighborhood exotic pet vet may be in order!

Ready to get started building the ultimate amphibian enclosure? The experts at Blue Fish Aquarium are here to help!

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